Thursday, June 02, 2005

BirthPLACE criterion!!!!

This question came to my while wondering why was I not born in the royal family of UK or why was not I destined to be Anand Walton or Gaurav Gates just by God's providence (in form of getting born here or there or where'er)!!!
Any comments?
If its related to what I do in this birth, its already too late to try to compensate by good deeds. so lemme have fun some more now (afterall I have to compensate for the next birth also!!!!)
Now if somebody says the crap as dont you feel so happy being the way you are and blah blah, blog is no place to reply to such things, atleast at presnt when I am short of time these days :D


  1. Once again short of tinme ... ha ha ha

  2. well nobody can anw why some ppl r born the way they r..maybe due to past karma or maybe just luck..whatever may be the reason just be happy in wat u r :)
